Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beat Meet: More Mooncircle Love

Seriously, if Project: Mooncircle had a face, i'd make sweet, sweet love to it. Keeping to their own Madlib-ian pace, they just hit us up with another two creeper joints to keep asses bumping and heads nodding.

First up is a killer comp piece, Finest Ego Japanese Beatmaker Compilation. If you have taken the time to check out any Japanese beat tracks, you know they have a knack for the abstract, stereotypically speaking. Point being, as a generalized rule of thumb, "they" tend to put together jamming tracks with unsuspected breaks and an ear for incorporating the off-kilter. Normally, if someone was to ask me a good starting point for breaking into the sub-genre, i'd have pointed to the Samurai Champloo series (the music, not the anime; though you can't go wrong with the anime, either). Now i'd be equally, if not more so, comfortable recommending this joint. The CD is up for free, but only for a couple more days, so move your ass and pick this one up while the price is right, kids.

Closer in texture to label mate Robot Koch as far as my ears are concerned, P:M is getting ready to drop the solo debut of Russian cum Ukranian up and comer Pavel Dovgal. Pavel floats on a genteel cloud of softly glitchy clank. Occasional vocal loops add a layer of depth and shading to an already chilled out ride. Keep an eye and an ear out for this sumbitch, children.

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