Monday, December 20, 2010

A Mixed Bag of Hodge Podge Audio Goodness

Most of the time, i try to come up with some random, loose thread to connect the various tunes i talk about in a given post. Other times, i just happen to have a bunch of good shit that i feel like sharing. Guess what kind of day today is?

While i'm even more impressed by her business acumen and ability to actually make Twitter pay off, Amanda Fucking Palmer still is one hell of a songstress. The fact that she's happy to get nekkid apparently at the drop of a hat doesn't hurt my opinion of her, but i think i'm getting off-track here. Her new Band Camp single is a bit poppier than a lot of her stuff, but it's utterly danceable at the same time, so what more do you want? If you're so inclined, Ms. Palmer has a "pay what you want" drill going on at the page, so...

LET's favorite Lord of the Loop, Pogo, has put together a rather pretty, though somber, tune that appears to have resulted from a recent break-up. Hate to see anyone hurting, but at least his art hasn't suffered.

If i haven't made this abundantly clear, two things are going to pretty much seal the deal in terms of me posting your music here at LET. Send me either: 1. Nudes of your ex-girlfriend. 2. Rap songs about comic books. Guess which route K-murdock, Random aka Mega Ran and Storyville took?

You freaks seem to be digging the beat Xmas tunes in a big way, so have at it. Paul White reworks the classic, AND throws in some Grinch at the tail end just 'cuz.

Since we're talking beats, just another little something from Ernest Gonzales. Why? Because we love him, that's why.

And last, but most certainly not least, i've been meaning forever and a day to throw a major shout out to Highly Rec'd. Each month, Jon over there puts together a stellar mixtape that's sent directly to your inbox (not that this is done so that he can send you the hottest tracks today without all that legal hassling or anything.) LET highly recommends Higly Rec'd. Sign up here. 'Nuff said.

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