Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Return of The Greatest Zombie Mix You Ever Will Hear

i've noticed a lot of traffic to the previous Greatest Zombie Mixes lately, and seeing as it's already October, i reckon it's time for an update. Time to get that Halloween groove on, kids, so here we go.

Last time we spoke with Que Lastima, they promised to put together an opus detailing zombies in space. Well, i thought they were just blowing smoke, but clearly this is a band that does not fuck around. That's right, kids, a zombie in space concept album.

A few folks pointed out the last time around that the Greatest Zombie Mix ever would have to include the Misfits. Never let it be said i don't listen to you, the unwashed masses. Now go bathe.

Need a little spasticity in your zombie mix? We've got that covered, too.

Sure, Que Lastima's effort is sweet, but you simply can't sleep without another zombie concept album in your collection? Well, look no further.

Last year, we introduced y'all to Zombie Girl with her religious premise, "Jesus Was a Zombie." Well, it was so good, i thought we all needed some more.

While we're on the topic of incorporating the undead into Christianity, how about a little Christmas with your brain eaters? And let's punk it up, while we're at it.

OK, that was a pantsful, so let's bring it down a notch with some indie sounding goodness.

Dude, i imagine you're asking, where the hell is the death metal? Dude, chill out.

And now, more punk.

Alright, i believe that's enough for now, as i'm at that point where i could overload this one or have enough left over for one more brain-chomping update. Of course, that means at least one more Greatest Zombie Mix update before Halloween.

You lucky, lucky bastards.

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