Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thankful Thursday #12

I am grateful for nothing. Now, I think I had better explain that for I mean something other than what you might think. Here are the nothings for which I am grateful.

1. I am grateful for Saturday and Sunday mornings when I have nothing to do at 6:00 a.m. Instead of jumping out of bed after a brief period of contemplation and running off to work, I can remain in contemplative prayer for an hour or two or three if I want. I can think of no better way to start the day than alone with God.

2. I am grateful when I can see nothing because the sun has gone down and there is no lighting in our yard or area of town. I can walk and walk and talk and talk, spending a wonderful time in conversation with God in the dark and the silence. Without distractions, prayer deepens with the shadows.

3. I am grateful when nothing is happening at work, when I can close the door, hear only silence, and spend a few minutes lost in prayer. (I put up a note, saying "in conference," which is a true statement because I am in conference -- with God.) Such nothingness does not happen nearly often enough, but when it does, it is a real gift.

4. I am grateful when I have nothing on my schedule for the noon hour on Wednesday or Friday for that means I can attend daily Mass at a nearby chapel. Although I mark my calendar "Do not schedule," somtimes my admin assistant has no choice but to put on my calendar an event or meeting that has been mandated.

5. I am grateful when I have nothing I must do on the weekend for then I can read through book after book. Reading and learning are my food. The other kind I can go without. For physical food, I have a limited appetite, but I am voracious when it comes to reading and learning.

More information about one of the Thankful Thursday memes can be found at the website of Grace Alone. This meme host is shared with other blogs so you will need to check to see which one is hosting any given month.

Link up with Greg's and Daryl's Thankful Thursday at Greg's General Store.

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