Thursday, December 2, 2010

DJ Sets Galore!

Assuming you consider two galore, have i got some tasty mixes for you kiddies today. My apologies about the brevity of today's offering, but gmail has been messed up for me all day. And while it's only two mp3s, we're talking approximately an hour and a half of actual music here, so let's move on, shall we?

First up is the always stellar monthly mix from those bass heads at the
Low End Theory. This month's mix has DJ Nobody and up and comer jonwayne. Regular readers will be familiar with both names, which clearly makes us (and you) cooler than the average bear. If you've been worried that your speakers have been getting lazy, Nobody's set has enough bass to help even the fattest woofer shed lbs. This is dub so grimy you're probably going to need to shower once you're done listening. jonwayne ratchets things down a hair, opening with a pretty kick ass rap, but this one still might shake your fillings and your ass loose. Consider yourself forewarned.

Episode 18 (Nobody and jonwayne from the Low End Theory Podcast)

If you're the type of cat that gives a flying fig about annual "Best CDs of the Year" lists, you've probably heard about
Ikonika's Contact, Love, Want, Have in 2010. Representing the ladies, she's arguably one of the largest names in dub/beat/electronic/what-else-would-you-like-to-call-it music today. The always stellar Fact Magazine realized this and got her to put together the following mix for their podcast. To call it dance floor would be a complete misnomer, but it's clearly in a different place than this month's Low End Theory offering. Less on the booty thumping, more on the clean, higher end stuff.

Fact Mix 206 (Nov 10) (Ikonika from FACT Magazine Podcasts)

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