Saturday, January 3, 2009

Invitation to Share Blessings

I invite all those who have read my book, Blest Atheist, and those who have not, to share the wondrous blessings that God gives to us on a daily basis. So many miracles go unreported, even unnoticed, and God's love, so available to everyone on this planet, is too often either taken for granted and even more rarely returned.

To understand the miracles in my life took many years -- and it is likely that many people will not believe them because they were so extraordinary. And that is okay. God knows about them; God created them. And that is really all that matters.

This blog is for those who, like me, have been the recipients or the centers of miracles, who have experienced the presence of God directly in their lives, and who may not have others with whom they can discuss what they have seen, experienced, and felt.

This blog is open to believers from all religions and their denominations. I imagine that people care far more about how a religion is formularized than does God. All God wants, from what I have encountered, is a relationship with each of us -- and, of course, for all of us to really care about each another and help one another.

I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you who wants to join this blog, and I hope that the interactions among everyone will take on a life of their own.

Elizabeth Mahlou